Chapter 7 – Understanding mother-in-law

It was a Saturday afternoon. Nirmala stepped out of the ensuite bathroom. A towel was wrapped around her hair and she was naked. She felt fresh after having a shower. She stood before the mirror in the bedroom and removed the towel. She took the hair drier and dried her hair. Then she began combing her long, black hair and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her belly didn’t look too big but she looked noticeably pregnant. She was happy she was in her 18th week of pregnancy. She smiled thinking about the baby in her belly.

Nirmala wore her undergarments and slipped into an under-bump maternity jean and a long sleeve, notch neck, front button, Kurti which had colorful Indian design patterns on it. The jeans hugged her wide hips, plump buttocks and well-shaped legs. The loose Kurti did a good job of concealing her large breasts and large bottom but she still looked sexy. She was happy with the way she looked.

Nirmala went down the stairs and met Naveen and Meera in the living room.

“Ready?” Naveen asked.

“Yes,” Nirmala said.

“Okay Maa, see you later,” Naveen said.

“Maa, I kept the milk bottles in the fridge,” Nirmala said.

“Okay, Beti. Have a good time. See you later. Bye,” Meera said, rocking a cradle.

“See you later, Maa. Bye, Bye,” Nirmala said.

Naveen drove the car to a restaurant. He had agreed to introduce Nirmala to Shweta after Shweta had repeatedly requested him to introduce Nirmala to her. He had told Nirmala about Shweta’s request and Nirmala had agreed to meet Shweta.

Nirmala felt relaxed but she was eager to meet Shweta in person after hearing so much about her from Naveen.

They reached the restaurant at 12:20 PM. Naveen parked the car. They got out of the car and went into the fancy restaurant which was not too busy.

Naveen saw Shweta and said, “That’s her, white shirt.”

Nirmala looked at the woman who was sitting and looking at her mobile with a smile on her face. She had fair skin, an oval shaped face and wavy black hair. She lifted her head and looked at them. She smiled and stood up.

“Hello Shweta!” Naveen said and smiled.

“Hello Naveen!” Shweta said and smiled at both of them.

“Shweta, this is my wife Nirmala,” Naveen said. Then he looked at Nirmala and said, “This is Shweta.”

“Nice to meet you. You look so beautiful,” Shweta said and extended her right hand.

“Thanks Shweta. Nice to meet you. You look beautiful too,” Nirmala said. She extended her right hand and shook Shweta’s hand.

Nirmala and Shweta felt an instant connection. Nirmala knew Shweta liked her by the way Shweta looked at her. She liked Shweta’s face and personality.

Shweta was a couple of inches shorter than Nirmala and she had an hour glass figure. She didn’t have a very pretty face, big breasts, wide hips and big bottom like Nirmala but she had an above-average pretty face, good-sized breasts, curvy hips and bottom. She was dressed in a light brown figure-hugging midi skirt and a casual two-pocket, white shirt.

Nirmala thought Shweta looked perfect. Shweta thought Nirmala looked more than perfect. Even though Nirmala had a baby bump which was concealed by the loose Kurti, Shweta could see Nirmala’s beautiful pear shape figure. She liked the pregnancy-glow on Nirmala’s pleasant face and on her skin.

Everybody sat down. The waiter came to them and gave them the menu. After sometime they ordered food and drinks.

While they waited for food to be served, they talked and joked.

Food was delivered after a few minutes and they started eating. As they ate and continued talking, Shweta repeatedly complimented Nirmala’s good looks and Shweta’s sexual attraction for Nirmala became very apparent. At one point, Shweta said, “I envy you, Naveen.”

Naveen said, “I told you that you will love her.”

Nirmala blushed.

“Oh yes, I love her. I wish I could just eat her,” Shweta said.

Nirmala laughed and shook her head. “Both of you are talking as if I am not here.”

“Sorry Nirmala, I couldn’t control myself.” Shweta apologized.

“It’s okay. Naveen told me he had sex with you. He didn’t tell me, you are a lesbian,” Nirmala said and continued eating.

“I didn’t know. I would have told you, if I had known,” Naveen said, defending himself.

“Actually, I like men and women. I am bi-sexual,” Shweta said.

“That’s okay. I could guess by the way you were looking at me,” Nirmala said and smiled, shyly.

Nirmala’s smile was enough confirmation for Shweta. She asked, “What about you Nirmala. Are you straight?”

Nirmala wanted to say she was also bi-sexual but she didn’t want to surprise Naveen. She looked at Naveen. Then she looked at Shweta and lied. “I don’t know. I could be bi-sexual. Sometimes I am attracted to women.”

“Wow!” Naveen said. “You didn’t tell me about that.”

Nirmala wanted to say, I only had sex with Maa. But she just said, “I only started feeling like that after delivery. Maybe it’s a result of some kind of hormonal change after delivery.”

“Possible. But that’s okay,” Naveen said and continued eating.

There was a moment of silence before Naveen said, “If you both feel attracted to each other, I have no problem with that.”

Shweta imitated Naveen’s tone of voice, and said, “I have no problem with that.”

Everybody laughed.

Then, Nirmala imitated the same tone of voice and said, “I have no problem with that.”

Everybody laughed. Then Naveen said, “You women are all the same. Lesbians!”

“Shut up Naveen!” Nirmala said.

Everybody laughed again.

Shweta said, “I can meet you both anywhere you like.”

Nirmala looked at Shweta, confused. Shweta looked at Naveen. Naveen asked, “What do you mean?”

“I am attracted to Nirmala and you both have no problem with that. So, I thought we can meet and…” Shweta hesitated and said, “I thought we could have fun…you know.”

“You mean we can have sex together?” Naveen asked without hesitation.

Shweta nodded and looked at Nirmala.

Nirmala smiled shyly at Shweta.

Naveen looked at Nirmala and asked, “Is it okay with you?”

Nirmala nodded and said, “Yes. But are you sure it is okay with you?”

“I am sure. I have no problem with that.” Naveen reassured Nirmala.

“It will be good to meet at our home,” Nirmala said.

“Sure. No problem. When can I come home?” Shweta asked, feeling excited.

Nirmala laughed and looked at Naveen.

Naveen shrugged and asked, “Today evening?”

“Okay,” Nirmala said and looked at Shweta.

“Great!” Shweta said and pumped her fist.

Nirmala and Naveen laughed.

“What time do you want me to come home?” Shweta asked looking at Nirmala.

Nirmala looked at Naveen and asked, “six?”

“Yeah. Six is fine,” Naveen said.

“Great!” Shweta said.

After they finished eating, Naveen paid the bill and they left the restaurant. They said their goodbyes.

As Naveen drove back home, he asked, “Do you like her?”

“She is beautiful,” Nirmala said.

“What are going to do to her in the evening?” Naveen asked.

Nirmala laughed. “I am not an expert. I’ll let her do whatever she wants to do,” Nirmala said.

Naveen laughed. “Ok. I am going to enjoy watching you have sex with a woman.”

“All men like watching lesbian sex. You are no different,” Nirmala said and laughed.

Naveen laughed. “You are right,” he said.

They talked and joked on the way back home. They reached home at 3:30 PM. They talked with Meera for a short time. Then they carried the babies to their bedroom. Nirmala kept the babies in separate cradles. Naveen began removing his clothes and said, “All that talk about lesbian sex turned me on. Can we make love?”

Nirmala laughed. “Me too. Remove your clothes and lie down on the bed,” Nirmala said.

Naveen chuckled and asked, “Wanna be on top, huh?”

Nirmala laughed. “Yeah, you know with the belly, it’s easy for me,” she said.

“I understand. Let’s do it,” Naveen said. He removed all his clothes and lay down on the bed, on his back.

Nirmala removed her Kurti, jeans and undergarments. She felt comfortable fully naked. She caressed her baby bump with her right hand and went to the bed feeling little unstable, as the symptoms of 18th week pregnancy was affecting her. She got on top of the bed. She knelt over Naveen on the bed, straddling him. She lowered her bottom and felt the hard cockhead on her outer labia. She adjusted her hip little and felt the cockhead at the opening of her vagina. She lowered herself more, letting an inch of his cock slip inside her wet pussy channel. She could feel his thick cock stretch her elastic-like pussy hole. She lowered till every inch of his cock was inside her and sighed with satisfaction. She looked down at his face and smiled. He smiled encouragingly at her. Her big, soft bottom rested on his thighs comfortably. She twisted her bottom, making a screwing motion. Naveen lifted his head and sucked one of her nipples and drank her milk. Nirmala stroked his hair affectionately, breast feeding him and squeezing his thick cock inside her vagina. After some time, Naveen stopped sucking. He took her other nipple and sucked. He drank more milk for a minute before pulling back and lying down on the bed. He grasped both sides of her slender waist and closed his eyes. Nirmala moved her hips forward and backward. Her clit tingled and the feeling spread throughout her body as she rubbed her clit vigorously on his pelvis. Her vagina gripped tightly around his cock, sucking it back inside her, every time it slipped outward. Moving her hips forward and backward, she fucked him harder and harder. His balls felt heavy and his cock jerked inside her vagina. Naveen lurched his cock deep inside her pussy, and his cock ejected thick semen. Orgasmic pleasure exploded in Nirmala’s body, and as she began to feel the release from the tension, she laughed softly and leaned forward on him, resting her head on his head, gasping and breathing heavily. He spasmed and shot more semen inside her pussy.

After Naveen’s cock popped out of her pussy, she got up and lay down next to him. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Naveen washed and put on his clothes. He went to the ground floor, living room and watched TV.

Nirmala felt kisses and licks on her vagina. She moaned with pleasure and suddenly woke up, panicking. She opened her eyes and saw someone’s head between her legs. She tried to get up but Naveen pulled her back on the bed and said, “Relax darling.”

She looked at Naveen who was lying down naked next to her.

“Hi sleeping beauty!” Shweta said.

Nirmala looked at Shweta, who was kneeling on the bed between her legs and smiling.

“What is happening?” Nirmala asked, looking confused.

“Relax,” Naveen said. “You fell asleep. I didn’t want to wake you up. You were very tired.”

“Oh…what’s the time?” Nirmala asked.

“6:20, Shweta came early. We waited for almost an hour before I decided to wake you up. I brought Shweta to our room. She saw you sleeping naked. She couldn’t wait to get started.”

“Oh…ok. I got so scared,” Nirmala said.

“Nothing to be scared about. Relax and lie down. I’ll eat your pussy,” Shweta said and smiled.

Nirmal smiled at Shweta and suddenly realized that she hadn’t washed her vagina after having sex with Naveen. “But…” she said and stopped short, realizing Shweta had already licked the fluids from her vagina when she had been sleeping.

“No ifs and buts. Please lie down and relax,” Shweta said and laughed.

Nirmala laughed. “Ok,” she said and lay down on her back. She bent her knees and spread her leg apart.

Shweta bent down and dug her face between Nirmala’s soft inner thighs. Her lips kissed Nirmala’s pussy lips and her tongue slithered inside Nirmala’s slick vaginal canal.

Nirmala turned her head and looked at Naveen. He smiled and asked, “Do you like it?”

She smiled and nodded. She moved her hand down and wrapped her fingers around the shaft of Naveen’s hard cock. She stroked it affectionately, loving the way Shweta was eating her pussy.

Shweta passionately kissed, licked, sucked, penetrated and nibbled on Nirmala’s pussy. She loved the creamy, soupy taste of Nirmala’s vaginal juice and the little bud like clit that buzzed in response to her kisses. She slowly fell in love with Nirmala as she ate the beautiful woman’s pussy.

Stroking Naveen’s cock, Nirmala said, “If you want penetrate her, go and do it.”

“Are you okay with that?” Naveen asked.

“Of course, Naveen. You have been having sex with her in the office and we have an open relationship, remember?” Nirmala asked.

Naveen kissed Nirmala’s lips and said, “I love you.”

“I love you too. Go, give her the pleasure she deserves,” Nirmala said.

Shweta could not get enough of Nirmala’s vagina which was rewarding her with more and more fresh juice.

Naveen got up and went behind Shweta. He knelt down and looked at her bottom. He had fucked her many times but this time he was a bit more excited to fuck her because she was eating his wife’s pussy and he could admire his wife’s pretty face while fucking Shweta.

He grasped the sides of her slim waist and pressed his hard cock in her ass crack.

Shweta moaned, feeling Naveen’s cock rubbing on the crack of her ass and his balls brushing on her juicy cunt. She lifted her ass to him.

Naveen pressed the tip of his cock in the slit of her vagina and pushed the head of his cock into her vagina. Shweta gasped with delight and continued eating Nirmala’s pussy passionately.

Happy with Shweta’s response, Naveen shoved his cock deep into her wet cunt. He leaned forward on her back and grasped her boobs. He squeezed her soft boobs and pulled his cock out. Then he plunged it back inside her cunt. Shweta’s tongue licked and sucked Nirmala’s swollen clit as Naveen began to fuck her. His cock moved in and out, slowly. And as pleasure soared, he began to fuck her cunt powerfully, making her grunt.

Clinging to Shweta’s boobs, Naveen plunged his cock in and out of her pussy, banging on her plump bottom. The friction of his cock made the lips of her pussy tingle and burn. She closed her eyes as pleasure soared higher. Her clit felt alive, bulging out and throbbing as his cock fucked in and out of her gripping pussy hole.

Shweta sucked hard on Nirmala’s pussy as her cunt clutched and sucked Naveen’s cock.

As Naveen continued to repeatedly thrust his cock into Shweta’s cunt, he admired Nirmala’s beautiful face. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be enjoying the way Shweta was eating her pussy.

Nirmala moaned with pleasure but Shweta stopped sucking Nirmala’s vagina and began rubbing Nirmala’s clit with her fingers. Shweta moved her fingers faster and harder. Pleasure and joy soared throughout Nirmala body. Her vagina exploded with a series of intense sensations that made her mind spin until she finally gave up and the best feeling exploded within her. As she orgasmed milky fluid squirted from her love hole and she laughed softly with satisfaction.

Shweta stopped rubbing Nirmala’s clit. She quickly pressed her face between Nirmala’s inner thighs and sucked the milky fluid from Nirmala’s vagina. She swallowed the creamy fluid hungrily while her own pussy was tingling with pleasure as Naveen fucked her rapidly. As tension built up throughout her body, her back arched and her toes curled. And suddenly all the built-up sexual tension released and pulsed throughout her body. Shweta softly laughed with satisfaction.

Naveen’s cock gushed cum into Shweta’s cunt with rapid spurts. He leaned forward on her back, gasping as his cock jerked inside her cunt, spewing out creamy cum and filling her. Shweta shivered beneath him and rubbed her face on Nirmal’s vagina and soft inner thighs. She kissed Nirmala’s pussy few times thankfully for giving her the opportunity to experience such a wonderful pleasure.

Nirmala lay on the bed with satisfaction seeing Naveen’s face as he ejaculated inside Shweta’s pussy. She smiled and looked down at Shweta who was happily kissing her vagina. Nirmala was lost in the moment of happiness but suddenly she sensed someone watching and looked at the door on the right side, behind Naveen. The door was slightly open and Meera was looking at them. Meera and Nirmala’s eyes locked for a moment before Meera went away.

Naveen saw Nirmala looking at the door and looked over his shoulder. “The door is open,” he said.

“We forgot to close the door,” Nirmala said, looking worried.

“It’s okay. Maa hates climbing the stairs,” Naveen said.

After a few minutes, everybody got out of bed. Nirmala went to the bathroom. She had a quick body bath and exited the bathroom. Shweta went to the bathroom next. Nirmala quickly got dressed in a Saree while Naveen checked his mobile, standing naked.

“Did you like it?” Naveen asked.

Nirmala laughed. “Yeah. She knows how to satisfy a woman with her mouth,” she said, while adjusting the pleats of her Saree.

Naveen laughed.

“I am going to meet Maa,” Nirmala said.

“Okay,” Naveen said.

Nirmala went down the stairs and saw Meera in the living room.

Meera looked worried. She saw Nirmala and asked, “What is happening, Beti?”

“Maa, I’ll tell you. Don’t ask Naveen about it. He didn’t see you.”

“Ok,” Meera said.

“Maa…” Nirmala hesitated and said, “Maa…Naveen and I have an open relationship.”

“Why? What’s wrong with just being committed to each other?” Meera asked.

“Maa…we are committed to each other and we love each other. We just have sex with people we like,” Nirmala said.

Meera shrugged and asked, “Who came up with the idea?”

“Naveen came up with the idea,” Nirmala said.

“Are you comfortable with that kind of relationship?” Meera asked.

“Maa, I trust Naveen and he trusts me. I want him to be happy. He has sex with other women but he loves only me. I hope you understand, Maa” Nirmala said.

Meera nodded and thought about it for a moment. Then she said, “I understand. It’s okay if Naveen and you are happy. I want you both to have a long, married life.”

“We will, Maa,” Nirmala said.

Meera was quiet for a moment. Then she asked, “Does he know about us?

“No Maa, I didn’t tell him,” Nirmala said.

“Don’t tell him,” Meera said.

“I won’t tell him, Maa. But if he finds out, he won’t be upset,” Nirmala said.

Meera nodded and said, “Both of you are very broad minded.”

“Yes, Maa. I am so glad you understand!” Nirmala said, feeling proud to have a very understanding mother-in-law.