Chapter 6 – New accommodation

Prema woke up hearing the alarm from her mobile. She put it on snooze and closed her eyes. She recollected the events of the previous day. She felt happy about the raise her boss had given her. She also felt good remembering the wonderful orgasm she had experienced when Rajesh had forced her to have sex, but she was afraid to think about him. Her left hand still hurt. She didn’t want to give him a chance to hurt her again.

The alarm rang again. Prema opened her eyes. She took her mobile and put off the alarm. She sat down on the bed and slowly got down. She went to the bathroom and finished her morning routine. She had breakfast. Then, she changed her clothes and left home at 8am. The ride to the store was not pleasant because of the usual traffic. She entered the store and began another day at work. When she had free time, she called the real estate agent and told him she needed a 2BHK house to move in immediately. The agent told her about a property that would meet her requirements. She booked an inspection time at lunch time.

At lunch time she went to inspect the property. It took her only ten minutes to reach the apartment. The agent was waiting for her. They went to the property and she inspected the property. She liked the location, the apartment, the flat and the rent amount. She told the agent she wanted to rent it. The agent gave her a form to fill up. She filled it up and gave it to the agent.

After two hours the agent called her. He asked her to come to their office to finish the formalities to rent the property. They agreed to meet next day.

The rest of the day passed quickly as usual. At 10 pm, Prema saw the security guard close the shutter in her CCTV monitor. She ordered food online and left her office.

The ride home felt like a routine experience. As she approached the apartment, she saw a car that looked like Rajesh’s car. It was a red flag. She became very alert. She parked her scooter at a convenient spot. She took the lift to the fifth floor. She went out from the fire exit door and looked down at the stairs. She saw Rajesh two floors below, near the fire exit door of her flat. She quickly moved back. Her heart was beating fast. She rushed to the lift and went to the ground floor. She ran to her scooter. She started her scooter and rode away from the apartment.

Prema parked her scooter near a restaurant and called Akshay. She told him a stalker had followed her to her home and she didn’t feel safe. Akshay understood her situation and asked her to come to his house immediately.

Prema rode on the scooter for half an hour and reached Akshay’s house at 11 pm. She parked her scooter on the side of the narrow road. She went to the two-floor house. She climbed the stairs to the first floor. She knocked the door. The door opened and Akshay’s wife opened the door.

“Prema! Come in!” she invited cheerfully.

“Shilpa! you look so different,” Prema said stepping into the house.

“Welcome to our humble home,” Akshay’s voice interrupted them.

Prema looked at him. “Akshay! You also look so different. You look muscular. Have you been working out? ,” she said.

“Yeah. I have my own gym now. You have changed too,” Akshay said looking at her from top to bottom.

“She looks so beautiful, nah?” Shilpa asked Akshay.

“Yes. Very beautiful,” Akshay said. He remembered Prema had always been beautiful since childhood. But as he looked at her, he noticed she had become curvier.

They sat down on the sofa and chatted. They asked her about the stalker. Prema didn’t want to tell them the real story, so she told them he had been following her for a month and he had been giving her love letters. Akshay and Shilpa asked her to stay with them as long she wanted. Prema told them about the new accommodation she was going to rent. They were happy for her.

That night Prema slept in their seven-year-old daughter, Anisha’s bedroom. Anisha slept with her parents.

The next day Prema woke up early. She called the assistant manager and told her she was sick and she won’t be coming in. Akshay also took sick leave to help Prema move to her new house on the same day.

Prema and Akshay met the real estate agent in the morning. Prema signed the agreement and paid the advance amount. The agent gave her the key to the flat.

Akshay called a friend who had a removalist business. They agreed to move Prema’s things on the same day.

Akshay, Prema and Shilpa went to Prema’s flat. Prema had a quick shower and wore T-shirt and Jeans. Akshay and Shilpa helped Prema pack all her stuff. They finished packing by lunch time and went to a restaurant nearby for lunch. After lunch they went back to Prema’s flat and waited for the removalists. The removalists came at 2 pm. After the removalists removed all her things, Prema, Akshay and Shilpa went to Prema’s new flat and guided the removalists to keep her things in the right rooms. After the removalists left, Akshay and Shilpa helped Prema setup her new home. Akshay assembled the bed. Prema and Shilpa setup the kitchen and home accessories. At 3:30pm, Akshay told Prema they had to bring Anisha from school and they will be back at 5 pm.

After Akshay and Shilpa left Prema setup the fridge and the washing machine. The TV was too big for one person to lift, so she decided to wait for Akshay and Shilpa. She thought it would be a good idea to shower and change her cloths as they would be back only after two hours. She went to her new bedroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror on the wardrobe door. She removed her T-shirt and unhooked her bra. She pulled down her Jeans and her Panty.  She smiled looking at the reflection of her naked body. She felt good about her perfect voluptuous body. She went to the attached bathroom. She sat down on the toilet seat and switched on her mobile. She swiped the screen and read the news. After she was done, she washed. Then, she went to the shower area to have a shower.

The shower made her feel fresh. She dried her body and hair. She wore a laced panty and bra. She slipped into a cotton petticoat and wore a blouse. She draped a saree. She adjusted the pleats and pallu. Finally, she combed her hair and put on little make up. When she was done she looked decently dressed but as usual her exposed navel, large breasts and big butt made her look sexy.

Prema looked at the wall clock. The time was 4:20 pm. She opened the balcony door in the bedroom that led to a small balcony. She stepped out on the balcony and saw the other part of the apartment which had identical flats. In between the building, at ground level, there was a small park. Prema looked down at the park from her fifth floor balcony, then she looked up at the balcony opposite to her balcony. She saw three men coming out of their flat. They had beer bottles in their hands and they were smoking. They looked at her and waved their hands. She waved back feeling confused. One of the guys stretched his hand forward and pointed his index finger at her. Then he made the perfect(ok) hand gesture. Prema blushed at the complimenting gesture but she controlled her urge to laugh. She bent her head down smiling and turned away. She went inside the the bedroom and closed the door. She giggled and laughed.

A minute later the door bell rang. Prema looked through the peep hole on the door and saw Akshay. She opened the door said, “Hello Akshay! come in.”

“Anisha has an headache. Shilpa is taking care of her,” Akshay said entering the flat.

“That’s ok Akshay. Most of the work is done,” Prema said closing the door.

Akshay waited for Prema to face him and said, “Actually the main work is not done.” he smiled at her.

Prema understood him. She smiled shyly, “Do you still want me after getting married?”

“I still want you Prema. I couldn’t marry you because all the boys in the orphanage wanted to marry you, and you loved us all equally. You were like a mother for all of us.”

Prema was touched. She opened her arms and said, “Come to mama.”

Akshay went into her arms. His tongue wiggled into her mouth and flicked around. She opened her mouth and let his tongue explore her mouth freely. Probing toward her throat, his tongue darted around in her mouth, tickling against the roof of her mouth. Then, he sucked her wet tongue. His suction slowly increased, until she moaned. He let go of her tongue. He pulled his head back and said,”Come. Let’s make love.”

“Are you sure Akshay?” Prema asked. “I stayed away from you after you got married. I didn’t want you and Shilpa to have problems because of me.”

“I am sure. I missed you too much. Let’s keep it a secret,” Akshay said.

“Ok,” Prema said feeling unsure but she wanted to feel Akshay inside her after a long time.

Prema and Akshay went to the bedroom. Akshay quickly removed his cloths. Prema removed her blouse and bra. She lifted her saree and stripped down her Panty.

“Kneel down on the edge of the bed. I want eat your butt,” Akshay said.

Prema laughed and said, “Ok.” She lifted her saree above her butt and got on top of the bed. She knelt down on the edge and leaned forward. She was on all fours.

Akshay looked down at Prema’s butt and felt mesmerized by the size and beauty of her bottom. “Wow your butt has become very big,” he said.

“Do you like it?” Prema asked doubtfully.

“I love it Prema. It’s beautiful,” Akshay said.

Prema laughed with satisfaction. It was important for her that he liked her. He had always been her admirer.

Prema felt his hands soothingly rove over her hind cheeks and she trembled. He was gentle. His gentle circling palms drifted between her thighs and pressed on her silky soft skin. She spread her legs further apart. His hands slowly massaged her plump bottom for a few seconds, then he griped each of her butt cheeks and spread them apart. She felt his breath on her butt crack. Then, his lips kissed her anus and the soft warmth of his tongue probed into the little mouth of her ass. Prema felt exited but she did her best to relax as his tongue penetrated an inch inside her rectum and licked the smooth sensitive inner surface. Then, she felt his tongue pull out and move down, licking her butt crack and finally penetrating her pussy.

Akshay dug his face between Prema’s butt cheeks and with his mouth wide open he covered her vagina with his mouth and sucked her pussy. He collected her aromatic juice in his mouth and pulled back. He grabbed her butt cheeks and spread them apart, watching her butt hole open up. He bent down and carefully let her pussy juice drool down from his mouth and into her butt hole. After his mouth was empty, he spat some of his saliva into her butt hole. Then he inserted two fingers into her pussy, whirling around and scooping more of her juices. He pulled his finger out and returned to her anus. He pushed his pussy juice coated fingers inside her already wet hole and pulled out. He pushed his fingers in again and pulled out. He did it few more times till he was satisfied with the lubrication in her anus.

After his fingers finally left the juice-filled channel of her butt hole, she felt the crown of his penis part the slit of her pussy and slid inside. She closed her eyes and told herself to relax. He pushed, opening up her vaginal canal. Prema moaned as memories of wonderful sexual experiences with Akshay flashed in her mind. It felt like the first time even though they had grown up making love in the orphanage. Her ass wiggled provocatively against his groin as her whole body trembled.

Akshay pressed his crotch on Prema’s butt, with his dick fully implanted in her pussy. He let it sock for a few seconds and pulled it outward and plunged into her pussy again. He repeated the movement, gliding his dick in and out of her cunt. His crotch slapped on her big soft ass cheeks, making a sharp little popping sound as they collide flesh on flesh. He speared his cock into her pumping in and out. Her orgasm was building up when he pulled his dick out from her cunt, making her feel completely empty.

“”Akkk….shay! she groaned as his prick suddenly glided into her butt hole, in one stroke, and stuffed up her anal tunnel.

“Is it hurting? Do you want me to lubricate you more?” Akshay asked.

Prema laughed with pleasure and pain. “It’s okay. It was just too sudden,” Prema said.

“Are you sure?,” Akshay asked.

“Yes,” Prema said.

Akshay pulled his cock outward. The walls of her ass tunnel strained out. He stopped pulling half the way and pushed deeper into her again. He let his dick rest inside her for a moment and savored the moment before pulling back. She relaxed and let him withdraw. Then as he pushed back inside her anus, she forced her body to remain calm, and enjoyed getting her ass hole stuffed with his dick. He pulled out again and pushed in. He repeated the movements and soon he was pumping his dick in and out of her ass hole in quick succession. His cock spread her pussy juices deeper inside her rectum as he pistoned his dick inside her. Prema felt very little pain. Her whole body felt alive as his dick glided in and out of her rectum. She focused on the thickness of his hard dick, thanking fate for uniting him with her again. She envied his wife for a moment but she put the thought aside. His hands gripped into her soft, firm ass cheeks. He quickened his tempo and speared his dick inside her butt hole. Prema groaned with delight, as she accepted his dick inside her tight butt hole, over and over. Her body quaked as his crotch slammed on her butt repeatedly. He speared in and out of her and she loved it, and wanted more. His crotch slapped loudly into her buttocks, jolting her and causing her tits to juggle back and forth. Her ass hole burned as his dick pistoned in and out of the tight, clinging tunnel of her rectum. He grunted as his balls boiled with semen and flowed through his shaft and ejaculated inside her.

Prema felt the jerks of Akshay’s cock inside her asshole as he ejaculated. She was a bit disappointed that she had not orgasmed. She consoled herself, reminding herself that he had developed the habit of ejaculating in her anus to avoid getting her pregnant since childhood. She wanted more even as his thick cream blasted into her butt hole.

After making love, Akshay set up the TV.

Prema washed and went to the bathroom. The repeated anal pounding had disturbed her bowels. She lifted her saree and sat on the toilet seat. She smiled and closed her eyes. It hurt a bit as she pooped but she liked the relief. After she was done, she washed and went to the bedroom. She wore a clean panty and went to the kitchen.

Prema took snacks and tea to the living room. She chatted and watched TV with Akshay. Half an hour later Akshay left.

Prema was alone in the house again. She went to the balcony to get some fresh air. She was surprised to see the three men still standing there. They waved at her again. Confused, Prema waved at them. One of the men lifted his left hand and made the perfect hand gesture. Then, he lifted his right hand and put his index finger inside the perfect gesture making it into a sex hand gesture.

Prema blushed. She shook her head. She went back inside the house. She sat down and watched TV thinking about the handsome men on the balcony.