Chapter 3 – Don’t trust anyone


Prema took her mobile and checked if she had Latha’s number in her contact list. She found the number and smiled with satisfaction. She called Latha.

“Hello!” Latha said.

“Hello Latha?” Prema asked.


“Latha this is Prema. Your tenant,” Prema said.

“Ah…Prema! How are you?”

“I am fine. I just called you about rent.”

“Just give it to my husband. He’ll be at home in the weekends. I am in my parents home now. I’ll come back only after delivery.”

Prema was shocked. ‘What? Come back after delivery?’ She thought to herself and asked, “Are you pregnant?”


“Wow! Congratulation!” Prema said even though she felt heart broken.

“Thank you Prema.”

“When are you due?”

“I am due in eight weeks”

“And when are you coming back?”

“I want to come back five months after delivery but Rajesh wants me to come back, one month after delivery. Let’s see. I have to go now. Just give the rent money to Rajesh, Ok?” Latha said and hung up.

“Don’t trust anyone.” Her Dad’s voice echoed in her mind.

Prema had not fully trusted Rajesh but it was still painful. He had lied just to have sex with her. She wondered if he would ask for rent, after using her as much as he wanted. Worried, she got up and went to the bedroom. She checked her appearance in the full length mirror. She liked the way she looked. The saree had clinged to her body, after wearing for the entire morning. She turned and checked the reflection of every side of her body. She was happy with the saree. She looked at the wall clock. It was 10:30. It was not too late to visit her Dad.

Prema didn’t visit the orphanage frequently because of the distance. The two hour drive to the outskirts of the city was exhausting. She had not visited Bapu for two months. She decided it was time to visit again.

Prema took a taxi. After a frustrating drive through the busy traffic, the taxi reached the orphanage, after two and half hours.

Prema got down from the taxi and walked into the narrow street, that led to the main entrance of the orphanage.

The security guard spotted her and grinned. “Good afternoon Didi ,” he said.

“Hello Prakash. How are you?” Prema asked happy to see him.

“I am fine didi,” he said opening the gate for her. As Prema stepped inside, he said, “Nice to see you again didi.”

“Nice to see you too Prakash,” Prema said and started walking towards the building.

The children who were playing in front of the building, spotted her and came running, screaming, “Prema didi!”

Prema waved at the children and Shoba, who was looking after the children. She was very happy to see the children. She greeted them and asked them if they were doing fine. They assured her they were fine.

A few minutes later, Shoba said, “I am so happy to see you Prema didi,” Shoba said cheerfully.

“I am very happy to see you too, Shoba!” Prema said and hugged her.

After a warm hug, Shoba said, “Go and meet Bapu. I think he misses you.”

The door to the office room was half open. Prema knocked the door and said, “Hello Bapu, it’s Prema. Can we come in?”

Prema heard the frail voice of Bapu say, “Come in!”

Prema entered the office room, smiling. “Hi Bapu!” Prema said cheerfully.

“Hello Betee,” Bapu said and grinned.

Bapu was sitting on his wheel chair, behind the large office table. As Prema went closer to the table, he said, “Sit down Betee.”

Prema sat down on the chair, facing Bapu. Bapu asked her how she was doing. Prema told him about Rajesh and his lies. Bapu told her, not to worry about it and be strong. He reminded her to trust nobody and advised her to be focused on her goals. She felt better after chatting with Bapu.

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door and a Shoba said, “Can I come in?”

“Come in,” Bapu said.

Shoba entered the room and said, “It’s lunch time.”

“Did you have lunch Betee?” Bapu asked Prema.

“Not yet Bapu,” Prema said.

“Come let’s go to the dining room,” Bapu said.

Prema got up from the chair. Shoba pushed Bapu’s wheel chair. They went to the dining room where Prema met other men and women who had grown up with her. They had continued to stay and work for the orphanage, while Prema and others had left the orphanage after reaching adult age.

Lunch was typical vegetarian food she had grown up eating almost everyday, but she still liked it. After they finished lunch, Prema told Shoba she will take Bapu to his bedroom and help him have his regular afternoon nap.

After Bapu finished his lunch, Bapu spoke to the children for half an hour. When he was ready for an afternoon nap, Prema pushed Bapu’s wheel chair and exited the main building, through the back entrance. She pushed the wheel chair on the walkway, that led to his independent, two bedroom house.

Prema felt a warm feeling as she entered Bapu’s house. She remembered cleaning the house everyday when she was a teen. Bapu’s house was kept neat and tidy by the orphanage staff.

Prema left the main door open as they usually did and pushed the wheel chair to the bedroom. The bedroom was large and furnished with antique wooden furniture. The bed was a king size and made of wood. There was a thick mattress, with white linen bed sheet covering it. It was exactly the way Prema used to set it up.

Prema held Bapu’s arm’s firmly and helped him stand up. She helped him balance as he took small steps to the bed. Bapu stopped near the bed and said, “I want to eat your bottom first, okay Betee?”

“Ok Bapu. Do you want me to massage your penis too?” Prema asked.

“Yes Betee,” Bapu said trying to unbutton his pant.

“I’ll help you Bapu,” Prema said.

Prema unbuttoned Bapu’s pant’s and let it fall down. She pulled his underwear below his knee and made him sit down on the edge of the bed. Then, she removed his sandals, stripped of his pant and underwear. She unbuttoned his shirt and stripped of his shirt. She helped him lie down on the center of the bed and adjusted the pillow.

Prema removed her blouse and bra. She lifted her saree and stripped off her panty. She held her saree above her hip and climbed on top of the bed. She placed her legs on the sides of Bapu and knelt down. As she lowered her bottom on Bapu’s face, she heard him say, “You are so beautiful, Betee.”

Prema could feel Bapu’s breath on her butt cheeks. Then, she felt his fingers squeeze her bottom. She heard him say, “So soft.”

Prema liked to please Bapu. She was happy that he liked her bottom. She felt his fingers part her butt cheeks. She felt him press his face on her bottom. His wet tongue licked her butt crack. He kissed her anus and put his tongue inside her anus. He licked the inside of her anus thoroughly. He liked her smell and taste. He licked her anus till he was satisfied, then he rubbed his fingers on her outer labia.

Prema’s vagina was wet. As Bapu inserted his finger inside her vagina and played with it, Prema looked down at his penis. It had become hard. She adjusted her position by leaning forward and resting on her elbows. She was in a 69 position. She opened her mouth and took the wet glans of Bapu’s penis in her mouth. She sucked the precum and kissed his glans. The familiar taste of sex filled her mouth. She loved it. She had fond memories of enjoying his penis, as a teenager.

Bapu’s fingers dug into Prema’s pussy and scooped out her juice. He inserted his wet fingers inside her asshole. He made her asshole wet with her pussy juice, knowing that she would take his dick in her asshole and ride on it.

As Bapu’s worked on Prema’s bottom, she sucked the bloated-looking crown of his cock. She liked it’s firmness despite his age. She put her tongue and licked his dick from bottom to top, making it wet with her saliva. She nibbled and teethed her way up and down the plump hardness. Then, she opened her mouth and moved her head down, taking the thick, mature dick into her mouth. She gulped and sucked in her breath through her nostrils to suppress the urge to gag. She took all of his cock in her mouth and sucked. Her inner cheeks squeezed on his cock, while she sucked.

She could hear Bapu moaning. She was happy that he was enjoying it. She remembered the times when he was young. He would often make her bend over on the bed and fuck her doggy style. But that’s before he had the accident. She was glad at least his cock was still functional.

Prema sucked on Bapu’s dick, moving her head down and up, letting his dick glide in and out of her mouth. She sucked it with all the love and affection she had for Bapu. As she sucked, she remembered Bapu would sometimes loose control and ejaculate in her mouth. She didn’t want that to happen because she still wanted to ride on his dick. So, she gave the bulging head one last kiss and pulled away.

Prema stood up on the bed and turned to face Bapu. She smiled at Bapu and knelt down, placing her legs by his sides. She lowered her bottom. She felt his dick on her outer labia. She adjusted a bit and the crown of his penis popped into her pussy. She slowly lowered her bottom, taking his penis fully inside her pussy. Bapu closed his eyes with satisfaction and moaned. Prema bent forward. She lifted her right breast and pressed the nipple on his lips. Bapu opened his eyes and looked at Prema’s beautiful face.

“Suck it Bapu,” she said knowing that he liked to suck her nipples while she rode on his dick.

He opened his mouth and took her nipple in his mouth. He sucked her swollen nipple. Prema grabbed his right hand and guided it to her left breast. He squeezed her left breast and sucked on her right breast. Prema watched him for a moment, then she moved her hip forward and backward.

Prema let Bapu help himself with her breasts and moved her hip quickly, helping herself on his dick. She straddled on him as if she was riding a horse. She moved up, down, back and forward, taking his penis deep into her pussy and letting it rub it on her swollen clit. She wanted to finish it but she realized, Bapu had made her asshole wet for anal penetration. She moved her hip upward, gliding on his dick and detaching herself from his dick.

She put her right hand behind her and grabbed the shaft of his dick. She pressed the crown of his dick on her asshole and lowered her hip, taking a inch inside. She lowered her hip more taking another inch of his dick. With two inches of dick in her asshole, she was confident Bapu had done a good job lubricating her asshole with her pussy juice. She lowered her hip slowly and twitched as she hit a dry spot. Taking a deep breath she lowered overcoming the mild pain and discomfort. When, his dick was finally fully lodged inside her asshole, she let out a sigh of relief.

She looked down at Bapu, he smiled at her.

“Do you like it Bapu?” she asked him.

“I love it Betee. Is it dry?” he asked.

“Little bit,” Prema said.

“Sorry Betee,” Bapu said.

“That’s okay Bapu. I’ll lubricate it more,” Prema said.

She lifted up slowly, gliding on his his dick. After his dick popped out of her asshole, she inserted her fingers inside her vagina and scooped out fluid from her vagina. She spread the fluid on his dick. When she was satisfied, she grabbed his dick and pressed the crown on her asshole. She lowered her hip. This time it glided in smoothly. She took it fully inside and sat on his crotch comfortably. Then, she lifted her hip up, letting his dick glide outward. Then, she lowered again, taking his dick deep insider her asshole. She moved up and down gliding smoothly on his dick again and again. She had not climaxed but she didn’t mind. She was happy Bapu was enjoying it. The look on his face told her he was about to cum. Bapu’s body jerked and twitched as steaming fountain of cum spurted from Bapu’s testicles and flowed into Neema’s tight asshole. She slowed down and let him empty his balls, inside her asshole. After the last drops of cum drained from his cock, his cock began to shrink. Prema stood up and got down from the bed.

She told Bapu she had go back but she would be back next month. Bapu told her to take. She cleaned Bapu’s dick with a warm, wet towel. Bapu went to sleep as she was cleaning his dick. So, after she was done cleaning, she gave his dick, one last kiss and left the room.