Chapter 5 – Unacceptable behaviour

It was Alisha‘s fourth week as a HR manager in Paradise Palms resort. She thought she had learnt enough to stop pretending like she was Reshma—a character she had made up to get a job in the resort.

The phone on the desk rang. Alisha picked up the handset and said, “Hello, Reshma speaking.”

“Ma’am, Rishab sir tried to rape me…” a woman said and started crying.

Alisha was shocked. “What’s your name?” she asked.

The woman said, “Padma. I am a housekeeper.”

“Padma? What happened?” Alisha asked, remembering meeting Padma a few days ago.

“Ma’am, I was sent to Rishabh sir’s room to clean the floor because he had spilled alcohol. When I was cleaning, he hugged me from behind. He squeezed my breasts and tried to lift my skirt. I struggled with him and escaped. But he complained to Sanjay sir. Sanjay sir wants me to apologise to Rishabh sir and have sex with him. I am 4 weeks pregnant. I don’t want to have sex with him.”

“Rishabh? Is he a frequent guest?” Alisha asked.

“The actor, ma’am,” Padma said.

“Rishabh Khanna?” Alisha asked, surprised.

“Yes, ma’am,” Padma said.

“I thought he is a decent man,” Alisha said.

“Me too, ma’am,” Padma said.

“Okay, don’t worry. I’ll talk with Sanjay about it,” Alisha said.

“Thanks ma’am,” Padma said.

“No problem, Padma. Bye,” Alisha said.

“Bye, ma’am,” Padma said.

Alisha kept the handset down. She leaned back on the chair and thought about Rishabh Khanna. She wondered why he had to attempt raping a woman when most woman would be willing to have sex with him because of his good looks and stardom. She decided to meet Sanjay in his office and talk to him.

Alisha went to Sanjay’s office. She knocked the door and said, “It’s Reshma. May I come in.”

“Come in,” Sanjay said.

Alisha entered Sanjay’s office and saw him standing behind his desk. She smiled at him as she walked towards his desk.

“Wow! You look very beautiful!” Sanjay said.

“Thanks,” Alisha said and smiled shyly.

Sanjay took a step back. He walked around the table and stopped before Alisha. Alisha stopped before him and smiled. Sanjay moved closer. He pecked a kiss on her lips and asked, “Everything okay?”

“Actually, I came to talk about Padma,” Alisha said.

“Padma? The housekeeping woman?” Sanjay asked, surprised.

“Yes. She told me Rishabh tried to rape her. And, you want her to apologize to him and have sex with him. ”

“Yes. She should,” Sanjay said.

“She doesn’t want to, Sanjay,” Alisha said, looking concerned.

“Reshma…” Sanjay said, “it’s an unwritten law in the resort that a staff should have sex with a guest, if the guest wants to have sex with the staff.”

“Really?” Alisha asked, raising her eyebrows.

“You didn’t know?” Sanjay asked, surprised.

“I didn’t know,” Alisha said and laughed.

“That’s okay. You know now. That’s important,” Sanjay said.

“But Sanjay, she is pregnant,” Alisha said, concerned for Padma.

“Pregnant women can have sex,” Sanjay said, not giving a damn about Padma.

Alisha didn’t know what to say. She knew he was heartless.

“She should be proud to have sex with a rich and famous celebrity,” Sanjay said.

Alisha knew unacceptable behaviour by guests should not be encouraged but she had not expected Sanjay to understand that.

Sanjay said, “I have a meeting in fifteen minutes. I am very busy today but I’ll have time for a quickie. Come to my office at 4.”

Alisha smiled and said, “Okay. See you later.”

Alisha left Sanjay’s office and walked in the long corridor. Behind her, at the end of the corridor, Rishabh saw her for the first time and his heart skipped a beat. Her straight, black hair flowed down till her slim waist. Her hips were wide, and her buttocks was plump. Covered by a medium blue, georgette, figure-hugging Saree that had Zari border, Alisha’s buttocks shape was clearly highlighted, as they bounced gracefully, one after the other.

“Wow!” Rishabh said and walked quickly to catch up with Alisha.

Alisha stopped and turned to her left. She opened the Ladies toilet door and entered inside. She entered a cubicle. She stepped inside and closed the door. She lifted her Saree and petticoat above her hips. She pulled her pantie down to her knees and sat down on the toilet seat. She closed her eyes and relieved herself calmly.

Rishabh waited outside the Ladies toilet wondering who the beautiful woman was. He wondered if her front looked as sexy as her back. He wondered if she was a guest or a staff of the resort.

After Alisha was done, she washed thoroughly and dried with tissue papers. She exited the cubicle. She washed her hands and adjusted her Saree before exiting the toilet. She saw Rishabh standing a few feet away. She recognised him and her heart started beating fast with excitement. Their eyes locked for a moment before Alisha bent her head and walked past him, towards her office.

Rishabh was awestruck by Alisha’s beauty for a moment. But as she walked away, he said, “Excuse me!”

Alisha turned around and looked at Rishabh. She thought, ‘he looks even more handsome than he appears on screen.

Rishabh went closer to Alisha and asked, “Do you work here?”

“Yes. I am the new HR manager,” Alisha said.

“Great! What’s your name?” Rishabh asked, looking excited.

“Reshma,” Alisha said.

“Reshma. Do you know who I am?” Rishabh asked.

“Of course, you are the famous actor and our patron guest,” Alisha said.

“Great. Can you come with me to my room?” Rishabh asked.

Alisha wanted to ask, ‘For what?’ But she remembered what Sanjay had told her about the unwritten rule for staff. So, she said, “Sure. But I have one request.”

Rishabh smiled and asked, “What is it?”

“Please don’t force Padma to have sex. She is pregnant and she is not in the mood to have sex.”

“Padma? The cleaner?” Rishabh asked.

“Yes,” Alisha said.

Rishabh laughed. Then he said, “She looked hot but if I had known a woman like you is working here, I wouldn’t have touched her.”

“Women like me? What do you mean?” Alisha asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Beautiful and sexy!” Rishabh said.

Alisha laughed and said, “Thanks for the compliment.”

“Let’s go,” Rishabh said.

Alisha quickly checked her wristwatch and said, “Please give me half an hour. I’ll come to your room.”

“You won’t forget?” Rishabh asked, suspiciously.

“No. I just have to finish an important job,” Alisha said.

“I’ll come to your office, if you don’t show up,” Rishabh joked, and gave a strict look with his lips pressed together.

Alisha laughed and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll come to your room.” She smiled, turned around and began to walk.

“Wow! I love that ass! Sexy!” Rishabh said, loudly.

Alisha laughed. She turned around and looked at him. Rishabh winked. Alisha laughed. She turned around and walked away, aware of him checking out her back.

Alisha entered her office. She shook her head and laughed. She couldn’t believe Rishab — the famous, actor wanted to have sex with her. She had been his fan for a long time. She liked his acting, singing, handsome face, curly hair, athletic body, height, weight, and light skin colour.

Alisha stood before the full-length mirror and looked at her reflection. She wondered if she really looked beautiful and sexy or if Rishabh had just flattered her. She smiled remembering Rishabh saying, ‘Wow! I love that ass! Sexy.’

She went to her desk and took a handheld mirror from the drawer. She returned to the full-length mirror and stood with her back to the mirror. She lifted the handheld mirror and looked. The reflection of her back in the full-length mirror showed in the handheld mirror. Her waist looked slim, but her hips were wide and her buttocks was plump. She had always been little embarrassed by her fat bottom but every time someone complimented her buttocks, she felt blessed to have a good booty.

Alisha opened her makeup bag and took a perfume bottle. She lifted her Saree and petticoat above her hips. She pulled her panties down till the top of her knees. She looked at her vagina in the mirror and ran her fingers over the short hair growing on her labia that had not been shaved for four days. She wished she had shaved and turned around. She moved her hands behind and grabbed the cheeks of her buttocks. She spread them apart and felt the air gently caress on the groove, between her buttocks. She sprayed perfume in the crack of her buttocks and between her legs. Mild smell of jasmine flowers filled the air. She pulled her panties up. She let her Saree down and adjusted her Saree. She quickly combed her hair and touched up her makeup. After five minutes she was ready to meet Rishabh.

Alisha took her makeup bag and left her office. As she walked in the long corridor, she greeted other staff members who passed by. She reached Rishabh’s room and knocked the door.

Rishabh opened the door and grinned. “Come in,” he said.

Alisha entered the room and looked around the luxurious, spacious, modern room. It had soft suede sofas, wooden chairs, tables and a comfortable looking bed.

Rishabh closed the door and looked at Alisha. Her back was facing him as she looked at the alcohol bottles that were fallen on the carpet.

Rishabh went closer to Alisha and put his arms around her from behind.

Alisha was taken aback little bit, but she was not surprised because of what he had tried to do to Padma. She just laughed, feeling good as Rishabh’s hands explored her body.

Rishabh’s hands caressed Alisha’s smooth belly and moved up to her breasts. His hands cupped her breasts and his crotch pressed on her buttocks. She could feel the hard penis on her buttocks. He kissed the side of her cheeks and asked, “Are you married?”

“Yes. I have a one-year-old child,” Alisha said.

Rishabh squeezed her breasts and asked, “Do you have milk?”

Alisha laughed and said, “Of course.”

“Can I taste it?” Rishabh asked.

“Sure,” Alisha said, and laughed.

Rishabh squeezed her breasts harder and said, “Show me your milky tits.”

Alisha laughed and began to unhook her blouse.

Rishabh took his arms from around her and his hands gripped the sides of her upper arms. He turned her around to face him and looked down at her breasts which were getting exposed as she removed her blouse and bra.

“Wow! they are beautiful!” Rishabh said, even before she could remove her bra fully.

Alisha smiled at him. She quietly took out the soaked milk pads from her bra and removed her bra. She kept her blouse, pads and bra on a chair next to her and stood straight before him, with her breasts still partially covered by her Saree.

“Oh Wow! They are big. Biggest pair of boobies I have seen,” Rishabh said, excited.

Alisha’s breasts were heavy globes of pendulous flesh that danced resiliently on her chest as she breathed. Topping each of those fascinating, pillow-like mounds were light brown areolas and rounded brown nipples that had already begun to stiffen with desire.

Rishabh moved closer to her, he pulled her Saree down and grabbed the large globes. His fingers squeezed her breasts that were enlarged like balloons, inflated by her arousal. Her nipples felt stiff on his palms, and he felt wet liquid on his hands. He turned his right hand and looked at his palm. “Milk?” he asked and looked at her.

Alisha smiled and said, “Yes. My breasts are leaking milk. I am not able to breastfeed my baby frequently after I started working.”

Rishabh lifted his hand to his mouth and licked, tasting her milk. “Hmmm…tasty. You can breastfeed me if you can’t breastfeed your baby,” he said and laughed.

“I don’t mind. It will relieve pressure from my breasts,” Alisha said.

“Okay. Feed me, mama,” Rishabh said and laughed.

Alisha smiled and said, “I’ll sit down on the sofa. You can keep your head on my lap.”

“Ok,” Rishabh said.

“Please remove your shoes. You’ll feel more comfortable,” Alisha said.

“Good idea,” Rishabh said and quickly began removing his shoes. Then, he said, “I’ll remove my clothes. I’ll feel more comfortable.”

Alisha laughed and sat down on the left end of the sofa. She pulled her Saree’s Pallu down and adjusted the Saree pleats on her lap for Rishabh to keep his head. Then she sat straight with her tits jiggling as she breathed irregularly. She looked at Rishabh who was removing his underwear. His penis was suddenly in full view. She looked at it with excitement. It was seven inches in length. The engorged purple cockhead was almost as big as a plum. She licked her bottom lips and looked at him. She smiled shyly and asked, “Ready?”

“Yes mama,” Rishabh said and laughed.

Alisha laughed and said, “Lie down on the sofa and keep your head on my lap.”

Like an obedient child, Rishabh laid down on the sofa and kept his head on Alisha’s lap. Alisha pointed the nipple of her left breast at his mouth. He opened his mouth, took her nipple inside, closed his lips on the soft areola and sucked. Sweet milk flowed out of her breasts and into his mouth.

Rishabh closed his eyes and sucked Alisha’s nipple like a baby, while his fingers played with her breasts. Alisha breastfed Rishabh and looked at his penis. She stretched her right arm and caught the thick meat-rod with her right hand. It pulsated in her hand. ‘It’s alive’, she thought.

Rishabh moaned with pleasure and opened his eyes. Alisha looked down at him, smiling affectionately. Alisha gently squeezed his thick cock-shaft. Rishabh sucked hard on her areola and nipple. “Ouch, slowly please,” Alisha said feeling a sharp pain.

It didn’t stop Rishabh from sucking hard. He liked the taste of her sweet milk and the comforting grip of her hand around his buzzing cock.

Alisha pulled the foreskin down and saw the engorged, pink cockhead glistening with precum. Her mouth watered. She wanted to kiss it and suck it. She looked at Rishabh. He was sucking her nipple with his eyes closed. She looked at his penis and rubbed her middle finger on the wet cockhead. Then she lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked her finger, tasting his precum. She felt her nipple pop out of Rishabh’s mouth and looked down at him.

“Do you like it?” he asked and smiled.

Alisha laughed. She nodded and said, “It’s good.”

“Do you want to suck my cock?” Rishabh asked.

Alisha smiled and nodded her head.

“Okay. My pleasure,” Rishabh said.

He lifted his head from her lap and got down from the sofa. He stood before with his legs spread apart. Her legs were between his legs and her face was at the same level as his crotch. He stroked his cock few times and pointed it at her mouth.

Alisha kissed the tip of the pink, wet, bulbous cockhead. She took it between her lips and sucked. She savoured the warm and mildly salty taste and pulled it out of her mouth. She lifted his cock and licked the underside of his cock, starting from his balls and licking all the way up to the top of the cockhead. As she licked, Rishabh’s cock twitched and jumped. She parted her lips and formed her lips into an O-shape, then plunged her lips over the hot cock. She took about half its length into her mouth and stopped for a second, before moving her head forward till his cock was fully inside her mouth. Sharp smell of precum hit her nostrils. Her mouth was stuffed, and she felt like chocking. Her eyes became blurry with tears. She closed her eyes and moved her head back while sucking his hard pulsating cock. She moved back till only his cockhead was inside her mouth. Then she moved her head forward again, letting his cock slide into her mouth. When his cock was fully inside her mouth, she moved her head back while sucking hard on his cock. She repeated the moment again and again. Her head moved forward and backward fast and her inner-cheeks sucked hard on the thick, long cock-shaft.

Rishabh moaned with pleasure as Alisha gave him a good fellatio. He looked down at her pretty face as his cock moved in and out of her mouth. Many female fans had given him blowjobs in the past but he didn’t want to forget this experience because Alisha was more beautiful than the majority of the women he had seen. He liked her pretty face, her big milky boobs and her wide, plump ass.

Rishabh realised he had still not seen her nude ass. He touched her head to get her attention. Alisha looked up with his cock deep inside her mouth.

“Let’s fuck,” Rishabh said.

Alisha sucked his cock one last time and let it pop out of her mouth. She stood up and smiled at him.

“Remove your clothes. I want to see you nude,” Rishabh said.

“Ok,” Alisha said and laughed.

Alisha removed her Saree and petticoat.

“Wow! What are you?” Rishabh said, amazed by her beauty.

“I am a woman,” Alisha said and kept her clothes on the sofa.

“A very beautiful woman,” Rishabh corrected her.

She laughed and stood before Rishabh—nude, wearing only her sandals, anklets, bangles, Mangalsutra, and a Bindi on her forehead.

Rishabh looked at her from top to bottom and said, “Wow! wow! Perfect face, tits, pussy, legs, hands. Turn around… turn around”!

Alisha smiled and turned around.

“Wow! Wow! Sexiest ass I have ever seen!” Rishabh said, mind blown.

Alisha laughed.

“I want to fuck that ass!” Rishabh said, revealing his intentions.

Alisha turned around and said, “I have Vaseline in my makeup bag. Please us it.”

“You came prepared?” Rishabh asked and laughed.

“I guessed you would want to have anal sex because you complimented my buttocks,” Alisha said taking her make up bag from the coffee table.

“You guessed right but I want to eat your pussy first!” Rishabh said with enthusiasm.

Alisha laughed. She took out the small Vaseline jar from her makeup bag and said, “When you are ready, please use Vaseline. I’ll keep it on the bedside table.”

“Sure. Lie down on the bed. Let’s get started,” Rishabh said, stroking his cock.

Alisha went to the bed. She kept the Vaseline jar on the bedside table and climbed the bed. She laid down on the bed, bent her legs and spread her legs apart.

Rishabh climbed on top of the bed. He knelt between Alisha’s legs, looked between her legs and said, “Wow! Beautiful.” He bent down and pressed his face between her soft inner thighs. He licked her vagina from bottom to top, sending waves of pleasure throughout Alisha’s body. His tongue snaked into her vagina, then licked around the opening, tasting the sweetness of her vagina. His tongue went to her clit and swirled around the bud, making her gasp. She felt a wave of dizziness sweep over her and felt her knees go weak. The feeling that something was about to happen took over her as the sensations built up. Her eyes were closed and her was mouth open as she silently groaned. Rishabh kept up his cunnilingus activity as she exploded inside. She was conscious of nothing except the pleasure-giving tongue and her exploding clit as she ground her pussy back and forth on his mouth. She involuntarily grabbed his head, pressing her cunt into his face as the spasms overtook her. She moaned and gasped until, suddenly, she came too soon, bucking and grinding her hips into Rishabh’s face. Rishabh continued to eat her creaming pussy. She pushed her cunt on his mouth until the spasms eased. Alisha collapsed on the bed with satisfaction. But Rishabh was not done with her. He lifted his head and asked, “Did you cum already?”

“Sorry, it happens sometimes,” Alisha said, hopping he won’t be disappointed.

But he said, “That’s alright. Turn around and kneel down on all fours.”

Alisha sat up and knelt on the bed. She bent forward and kept her elbows on the bed. She kept the right side of her face on the pillow. She looked at her reflection in the mirror on the sliding door of the wardrobe. She spread her legs apart and lifted her bottom, positioning her body perfectly for anal penetration.

Rishabh knelt between her legs and said, “Wow! Your ass looks so big and beautiful! I love it mama!” He teased.

Alisha laughed softly and waited in anticipation.

Rishabh admired the two large mounds of her plump buttocks. He kept his palms on both sides of her hips and bent down. He pecked kisses on both of her soft ass cheeks. He spread her ass cheeks apart and kissed her anus, sending shivers through out Alisha’s body. His tongue licked the flesh below her anus and ran his tongue down to her vagina. He kissed her clit, stimulating the tiny bud. He ran his tongue over her cunt lips and into the cunt hole, then up the crack of her ass and again to her asshole. Spreading the ass cheeks wide apart, he licked and kissed the tender brown puckered skin of her asshole. He sucked and licked with care all around her asshole, stimulating her anus.

Alisha saw their reflection in the mirror. She couldn’t believe the famous movie star Rishabh, was performing anilingus on her. Many men and women had done it to her in the past, but she knew this will be very memorable because she was Rishabh’s fan. She knew every time she saw him on the screen in the future, she would fondly remember having sex with him.

Alisha smiled to herself with the good feeling as Rishabh’s tongue ran around her asshole rim, and gasped as she felt the tongue attempt to penetrate the tight opening. As Rishabh fucked his tongue into her asshole, she relaxed and his tongue went inside, licking back and forth and in a circular motion. After a few minutes of this activity, Rishabh moved back. He put two fingers inside her vagina and Alisha moaned. He twisted his fingers few times inside her vagina and scooped out her vaginal juice. He placed the tip of one of his fingers against Alisha’s anal-hole and gently pushed the finger. Alisha’s anus opened and his finger slid into the tight hole. Alisha closed her eyes as she felt the finger penetrate her and relaxed. Gradually, the finger fucked all the way up her asshole. He moved his fingers back and forth and from side to side. He pulled his finger out and inserted his other finger, which was lubed with her pussy juice. He put the finger inside her asshole and spread her pussy juice inside her asshole. Then he put his fingers inside her vagina again and scooped out more pussy juice. He put his fingers back into her asshole and lubricated the hole.

Rishabh had no intention of using the Vaseline. He was certain Alisha’s pussy juice was enough to do the job.

Alisha had been watching Rishabh in the mirror. She knew Rishabh had lubricated her anus only with her vaginal secretion. She knew her vaginal secretion was sufficient, but she preferred Vaseline.

“Rishabh, can you please use Vaseline?” Alisha requested.

“Sorry sweetie. I prefer your pussy cream,” Rishabh said.

“Rishabh, please…it’ll hurt me,” Alisha pleaded.

Rishabh didn’t reply. He held the base of his cock with his left hand and guided the head of his cock to the slit of her vagina. Alisha moaned softly. Rishabh pushed gently and the bulbous head of his throbbing cock slipped into her vagina. He paused for a few seconds before he eased another couple of inches into her and paused. She felt his penis stretch her vaginal passage and wished that he would just shove his cock fully into her, fill her with it…and fuck her, hard and deep. She thrust her hips back and felt the thick length of his cock-shaft slide all the way into her belly. Then she clasped his cock tight with her interior vaginal muscles.

“Naughty girl!” Rishabh said.

Alisha laughed.

Slowly, Rishabh pulled his cock out of her until just the bloated head of his cock remained inside the wide-stretched mouth of her cunt. Then he eased his solid length down into her again, pushing it deep into her soft belly. Inside, her cunt walls squeezed around his thick cock-shaft. He pulled is cock backward and pushed it forward, inside her well lubricated pussy passage. He repeated the movement few times till his cock was lubed with her pussy juice. Alisha’s, clit began to tingle but Rishabh pulled his cock fully out of her vagina.

Alisha looked at Rishabh in the mirror feeling disappointed.

Rishabh placed his well-greased, purple cockhead against Alisha’s anus, and pressed forward slightly. Alisha whimpered, feeling her hole stretch to take the intruder. The thick cockhead slipped into her asshole, and she liked the way it felt inside her. Alisha closed her eyes and hoped it won’t hurt too much.

Rishabh paused, leaving just the mushroom head of his prick inside her asshole. Slowly, Alisha’s asshole got used the thick cockhead lodged in her asshole. The pleasurable hurting sensation made Alisha’s breathing increase while she tried to relax her burning asshole. Rishabh began his forward movement and the stiff cock dug deeper into Alisha asshole.

“Oooooooooh!” Alisha groaned in pain.

“Is it hurting too much?” Rishabh asked.

Alisha felt enough fluid in her anus passage, and she was confident she could handle the pain, but she still didn’t want him to get carried away and hurt her. “Please do it slowly,” she requested.

As his penis moved inside her asshole slowly, she spread her legs wider apart. Rishabh stopped pushing and kept his hands on her ripe ass globes. He spread her ass cheeks open and looked down at his cock that was half embedded inside her anal hole. Her anus looked beautiful, stretched like elastic around his thick cock. He pushed again slowly and watched his cock slowly disappear inside her tight anal hole.

Alisha grunted in pain as the thick, long cock stretched her anal passage and slid deeper inside her.

Rishabh pushed his cock all the way into Alisha’s tight asshole to the balls and held himself in that position to fully get used to her tight ass-hole before he began some serious ass-fucking.

Alisha felt completely stuffed and for a moment her body instinctively attempted to push his cock out of her asshole. But Alisha resisted the urge and squeezed her anal muscles around the thick long cock, holding it inside her. And slowly the pain turned to pleasure. She closed her eyes and relaxed, with seven hard inches of pulsating cock-meat stuck inside her asshole.

Rishabh liked the warmth and comfort Alisha’s asshole provided to his cock. He wanted to let his cock rest inside her for a few more seconds but as he looked down at her beautiful, plump ass, he couldn’t resist the urge to fuck her. He slid his prick partially out of her asshole, then slowly fucked it inside the brown puckered anal opening. Slowly he pulled halfway out, then pushed his cock deeper and deeper. He repeated the movement, pistoning his cock in-and-out of Alisha’s asshole.

Alisha’s asshole tingled with pleasure as Rishabh’s cock repeatedly fucked into her tight, hot asshole. Automatically, her hand found its way to her neglected clit, and she began rubbing the little sensitive bud. She moaned with pleasure as Rishabh fucked her asshole faster and faster. With every thrust, he slammed her butt, making her plump ass cheeks to jiggle like jelly on impact. The slapping of Rishabh’s body on her ass sounded loud in the quiet room and encouraged Rishabh to fuck her even harder.

Alisha’s asshole burned but pleasure emanated from the pain and made her asshole feel alive. She rubbed her clit faster and harder feeling climax building up inside her pussy.

Rishabh slammed into her repeatedly, fuck-thrusting his cock into her hungry asshole.

Rubbing her clit harder and faster, Alisha was suddenly overcome with orgasm. Her asshole contracted and squeezed the hard cock in her asshole as she came. Her tingling clit sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. Alisha’s fingers rubbed on her clit faster and faster as pleasure soared. She gasped suddenly as climax hit her hard.

Rishabh groaned and shot his cum deep inside Alisha asshole. He continued to fuck her asshole as more cum shot into her.

Alisha began to relax as her body slowly released the tension that had built up. She smiled feeling satisfied. She felt Rishabh’s cock pulsate and twitch as cock-cream shot into her, soothing her burning asshole.

Rishabh slowly stopped fucking and pressed his crotch on her soft buttocks as the last few drops of semen escaped his cock and filled her asshole.

“Loved it!” Rishabh said and pulled his cock out of Alisha’s anal hole.

Alisha laid down on her back and relaxed.

Rishabh sat on the bed and lit a cigarette.

After a few minutes, Alisha got down from the bed and went to the bathroom. She had a quick body bath and came out. Rishabh asked her to stay with him for the rest of the day. She told him she would love to but she had to work. She promised to meet him next day and left his room.

At 4pm she went to Sanjay’s room. Sanjay was in a hurry to go home but he still wanted to have a quicky with her. Alisha lifted her Saree and Petticoat and pulled her panties down to her knees. She bent forward on his desk. Sanjay penetrated her vagina for a few minutes and ejaculated inside her. Alisha orgasmed for the third time that day.

The rest of the day went smoothly, and Alisha went home at 6pm.

At home, Alisha relaxed and had a quiet evening. She followed her routine and went to bed at her usual time.

The next day Alisha came to the resort feeling refreshed. She went to her office and finished some of the pending tasks. An hour later, the phone on the desk rang. Alisha picked up the handset and said, “Hello, Reshma speaking.”

“Ma’am Rishab sir raped me…” Padma said and started crying.

“What? He told me he won’t touch you,” Alisha said, shocked.

“Ma’am. Yesterday evening, I was sent to his room to clean. I asked the supervisor to send someone else, but she refused. So, I went to his room. While I was cleaning, he grabbed me and pushed me on the bed. I couldn’t free myself.”

“Oh my god! What is wrong with that man?” Alisha said.

Padma cried.

“I’ll talk with him and Sanjay. Don’t worry. I’ll put an end to this kind of behaviour.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Padma said and hung up.

Alisha kept the intercom handset down. She turned to her computer and typed in her Todo list, “Stop unacceptable behaviour.”