Chapter 3 – First day at work

Alisha rubbed soap up and down her smooth skin. When she came to her breasts, her hands circled the ripe flesh. She massaged the pink nipples, she pinched and pulled till the tips stood up in excitement. She could already feel wetness in her vagina. She smiled and wondered if Sanjay had been serious about having anal sex with her. She moved her hand down to her bottom and into the crack. She touched her puckered anus and rubbed the opening. She inserted her soapy middle finger deep inside her anus and tried to remember the last time a cock had penetrated her anus. She remembered Raj had penetrated her anus almost two years ago. She still remembered the pain and pleasure she had felt. His throbbing cock had felt good inside her. Suddenly, she felt disappointed about Raj’s inability to have sex with her anymore. She pulled her finger out of her anus and turned on the shower. Warm water splashed on her body and washed away the soap. She stood with her eyes closed and hoped she would have a good first day at work.

Alisha felt fresh and clean after having a shower. She stood before the dressing table and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She liked her pretty face. She thought her breasts looked too big but she was happy with the attention they got from men. She didn’t mind the little belly fat but she thought her hips were too wide. She turned around, looking over her shoulder at the reflection of her back in the mirror. Her back slopped down and curved outwards at the bottom. The two plump cheeks of her bottom were big and matched the size of her wide hips. She wished her wide hips and bottom had been a bit smaller so she could wear figure-hugging clothes without looking bottom heavy.

Alisha draped a Saree. She adjusted the pleats and Pallu of the Saree. The medium blue colour Saree had little shine. It had small dots and round flower pattern designs. The border had silver Zari and dark blue colour. The Saree was figure-hugging and revealed the beautiful pear shape of her voluptuous body.

At 8:10am. Alisha took her baby from the cradle and left her room. She went to Sonam’s room. She knocked on the door and called her daughter. “Sonam!”

“Coming Mom,” Sonam said in a sleepy voice.

Sonam opened the door.

“Good morning!” Alisha said and smiled.

“Morning mom,” Sonam said, feeling sleepy.

“I am going to the resort. I’ll be back only in the evening. I arranged for a maid to take care of baby. She will be here at 9. I have filled the milk bottles and kept them in the fridge,” Alisha said.

“Mom, I can take care of baby. We don’t need a maid,” Sonam said.

“I know Sonam. The maid will just be more support for you,” Alisha said. She kissed baby on the cheeks and said, “Bye sweetie. Don’t trouble your sister.”

Alisha gave baby to Sonam. Sonam took baby and started petting him.

“Bye Sonam,” Alisha said.

“Bye Mom,” Sonam said and closed the door.

Alisha went downstairs. She found Rupa in the kitchen. She wished her good morning and asked how Raj was doing. Rupa told her Raj’s health had not improved but he was at his usual best. Alisha told her she had to go to the resort and she would be back only in the evening.

Alisha left home at 8:30am. She drove the car in busy traffic and reached the resort at 9:20am. She parked the car and went to the entrance of the building. As she entered the lobby, she reminded herself that she had to like Reshma – a character she had made up. She went to the receptionist and said, “Hello. I am Reshma. I am here to meet Leena.”

“Good morning, Ma’am,” the receptionist said. “Leena is waiting for you in her office.”

Alisha looked at the receptionist’s badge and said, “Good morning, Shoba. Please don’t call me Ma’am. Please call me Reshma.”

“Okay Alisha,” Shoba said and gave a friendly smile.

Alisha returned the friendly smile and turned away. She walked towards the large entrance and turned left. She climbed the stairs to the first floor and walked to the end of the corridor.

Leena’s office was located next to Sanjay’s office. Leena’s office door was opened. Alisha knocked on Leena’s office door. She heard Leena say, “Come in Reshma.”

Alisha stepped into Leena’s office and saw Leena sitting on the other side of a desk. “Good morning, Leena. How are you?” she asked.

“Good morning, Reshma. I am fine. How are you?” Leena asked.

“I am very good,” Alisha said, smiling.

As Alisha went closer to the desk, Leena said, “Please sit down.”

Alisha sat down.

“Sanjay will be late today. I’ll show your office and introduce you to our top management,” Leena said.

“Okay,” Alisha said and smiled.

“Do you want to have Tea? Coffee?” Leena asked.

“Maybe later, Thanks,” Alisha said.

“Okay. Are you ready to see your office?” Leena asked and smiled.

Alisha smiled and said, “Yes.”

The ladies stood up and exited Leena’s office. They went to the other end of the corridor and stopped near a door that had a name plate that read – Reshma. HR Manager. Leena opened the door. She smiled at Alisha and said, “Your office. You go first.”

Alisha laughed and said, “Okay.”

Alisha stepped inside the office and she was immediately surprised by the well-furnished and modern office. She walked around checking every part of the office. She liked the large desk next to the window that had a view of the car park. There was a large shelf on the left side of the room and a sofa set on the right side of the room. There was a door next to the sofa. She asked Leena, “Is this an attached bathroom?”

Leena smiled and shook her head. “Open it,” she said.

Alisha opened the door. She was surprised to see a fully furnished room. She entered the room. Leena followed Alisha.

Alisha saw a king-size bed, coffee table and a sofa. “Wow! Is this part of my office?”

“Yes,” Leena said.

“But why? I am not going to live here,” Alisha said.

“It’s just for connivence. You know if someone wants to…” Leena hesitated and smiled.

Alisha thought about it for a moment and said, “Ahh….ok. I get it.”

Leena laughed. Alisha laughed with her.

“Come let’s meet the top management,” Leena said and smiled.

Alisha and Leena went to the offices of the top management team members and Leena introduced Alisha to them. Everybody liked Alisha and welcomed her to the team. One of them showed more interest in Alisha and volunteered to give a tour of the resort. His name was Rakesh and he was the marketing manager.

Leena thanked Rakesh and told Alisha she was in good hands. She said she would meet Alisha later in her office and went away.

Alisha liked Rakesh. He had a good-looking face. He was well-groomed and he had a trimmed beard. He was a couple of inches taller than her. He looked like he was in his early 30s.

Rakesh had a good sense of humour. He cracked jokes as he took Alisha on a tour around the resort. He showed her the restaurants, bars, spa and the large swimming pool. He introduced her to the staff. He took her to the kitchen and introduced her to the chefs. And finally, he showed her the Deluxe room.

As they entered the Deluxe room, Rakesh casually touched the back of Alisha’s shoulder. Alisha didn’t know how to react. She just looked around the room. It was decorated with rich colours. It had a coffee table, chairs and a king-size bed.

“It’s similar to the room attached to my office,” Alisha said.

“Yes, it is similar. We also have Deluxe suites and Presidential suites which are better than this room,” Rakesh said, moving his hand down to her lower back that was not covered by her Saree.

Alisha felt his hand on her bare skin and shivered. She looked at his face. He acted like nothing had happened and said, “Let’s go the Deluxe suite.”

Rakesh let Alisha exit the room first before exiting the room. He closed the door and joined Alisha.

As they walked to the Deluxe suite, he put his arm around Alisha’s waist. Alisha’s heart began to beat fast but she didn’t react. His hand moved down and caressed her bottom through her clothes. Alisha still wasn’t sure how to react. She felt his hand rove on the mounds of her butt-cheeks and shivered.

They reached one of the Deluxe suite rooms. Rakesh took his hand off her bottom and opened the door. They entered the room. Alisha looked around the room and said, “It is more spacious than the Deluxe room.” She liked the beautiful colours and the furniture.

Rakesh took a step closer to her and put his arm around her waist. Alisha shivered again.

“I prefer the Presidential suite. It is more spacious and has a bigger bed,” Rakesh said, squeezing the soft flesh on the side of her waist.

Alisha looked at him. He looked at her and smiled. She looked into his eyes to understand what he was trying to do. He quickly moved closer and pecked a kiss on her lips. Alisha moved her head back and asked, “What are you doing?”

“You are beautiful,” Rakesh said.

Alisha liked the compliment. She smiled shyly, but she moved back.

“Let’s go to the Presidential suite,” Rakesh said.

As they walked to one of the Presidential suites, Rakesh put his arm around Alisha’s waist and pulled her closer to him. When they reached the room, he knocked on the door, surprising Alisha. The door opened and Alisha saw Sanjay.

“Hi Sanjay” Rakesh said.

Sanjay nodded and said, “Come in.”

Rakesh let Alisha enter the room first.

Alisha looked at Sanjay nervously and said, “Hi Sanjay.”

Sanjay smiled and said, “Nice to see you again, Reshma.”

“Nice to meet you too, Sanjay,” she said. She took a few steps inside the room and waited. Sanjay closed the door and both the men joined her.

“Welcome on board, Reshma. How has your day been so far?” Sanjay asked.

“Good Sanjay. Leena and Rakesh were kind enough to show me around the resort and introduce me to the staff,” Alisha said and smiled.

“That’s good,” Sanjay said. He looked at Alisha from top to bottom. He looked at Rakesh and asked, “Isn’t she beautiful?”

“Very beautiful, Sanjay,” Rakesh said and smiled.

Sanjay looked at Alisha again and said, “Reshma, as I mentioned in the interview, your performance will be evaluated by your HR duties and also by your ability to satisfy guests and senior management. So, on your first day, I am giving you the opportunity to show us how you can satisfy us.” Sanjay looked seriously at Alisha.

Alisha’s heart was racing fast. Controlling her excitement, she said, “I’ll try my best, Sanjay.”

“Okay, let’s get started,” Sanjay said.

Alisha looked at Sanjay and Rakesh. Rakesh gave her an understanding smile and a nod.

Alisha started by unhooking the hooks of her blouse. She removed the blouse and bra. From the corner of her eyes, she could see the men were also removing their clothes. She pulled down the Saree’s pallu from her shoulder and removed her Saree. She untied the knot of the petticoat. She removed the petticoat and her panties. She kept her clothes on the coffee table. She stood before the men and looked at their completely naked bodies.

“Wow! Beautiful!” Rakesh said, admiring Alisha.

“Yeah! very sexy!” Sanjay said, agreeing with Rakesh.

Alisha still had her red Bindi on her forehead, her Mangalsutra was around her neck, she had bangles on her wrists and she was wearing her medium heeled sandals. She looked beautiful and very sexy. Her breasts were firm, full from top to bottom and from side to side. Her nipples were already hard and her pussy had started juicing.

Sanjay and Rakesh scanned every part of her body and Alisha looked at their hard cocks. She was excited by the thought of getting penetrated by two handsome men.

The men’s hearts were racing as they looked at the sexiest woman they had ever seen. Their cocks throbbed with the raging desire to fuck her.

The men moved closer to Alisha. Rakesh kissed her lips and squeezed her breasts. Sanjay stood behind her. He kissed her cheeks and the back of her neck as his hands moved over her bottom and squeezed the soft flesh.

Alisha could feel their hard cock on her body. She grabbed Rakesh’s cock with her left hand. She put her right had behind and grabbed Sanjay’s cock. The hard cocks twitched in her hands, straining to release their cum-loads. She stroked and caressed the two hard cocks trying to get a sense of how they would feel inside her.

The men’s hands were all over her body caressing and squeezing the soft flesh of her body. Her breasts and buttocks got more attention. They took turns kissing her sensuous lips. They sucked her breasts and drank her milk. Their fingers repeatedly penetrated her juicy vagina and dry anus.

Rakesh knelt down before her and began eating her pussy. Following his example, Sanjay knelt down behind her and began eating her ass. The men kissed, licked, sucked and penetrated her pussy and anus with their tongues.

Alisha couldn’t believe both men had gone down on their knees. Her cunt and asshole had never been eaten at the same time by two men. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the wonderful feeling. She compared their cocks in her mind. She remembered Rakesh’s cock was about an inch longer but Sanjay’s cock was a little thicker than Rakesh’s cock.

Sanjay stood up and kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. Rakesh continued to eat her pussy.

Sanjay said, “Rakesh, let’s take her to bed.”

Rakesh kissed Alisha’s vagina one more time before standing up.

They went to the large king size bed. Sanjay said, “Rakesh you can have her vagina.”

“Okay. I’ll lie down. Reshma can sit on me,” Rakesh said.

“Alright,” Sanjay said, agreeing with Rakesh.

Rakesh got on top of the bed and lay down on his back.

Alisha looked at Sanjay and said, “Please use lubrication.”

“Okay. Get on top of the bed,” Sanjay said.

Alisha climbed on top of the bed and knelt down, keeping her knees next to the sides of Rakesh’s hips and straddled on top of him. She controlled her desire to take Rakesh’s cock inside her cunt and waited for Sanjay.

Sanjay got on top of the bed. He knelt down behind Alisha and in between Rakesh’s spread legs. His fingers penetrated Alisha’s vagina and scooped out her pussy juice. He inserted his wet fingers inside her anus, lubricating Alisha’s anus with her pussy juice.

Rakesh pulled her head down and kissed her lips. Alisha put her hand between them and grabbed Rakesh’s cock. She stroked his cock slowly as he kissed her passionately.

Sanjay grabbed Alisha’s hips and lifted her up to get better access to her vagina. Then, he bent down and sucked her cunt. He collected her pussy juice in his mouth. He spread her ass cheeks and opened her anus. He let her pussy juice drip down from his mouth and into her anus. He did it few more times till her anus was wet with her pussy juice and his saliva.

Rakesh stopped kissing Alisha and began sucking her nipple. He sucked hard and drank her milk. Alisha was happy to breast feed the handsome man.

Sanjay grabbed Alisha’s slender waist from behind and pressed the tip of his cock in the slit of her cunt. The slit opened up and the head of his cock slid inside her pussy. He pushed slowly, gliding his cock inside her vagina. Her vagina stretched open, welcoming his thick cock inside her cunt. As Sanjay’s cock fully penetrated Alisha cunt, she moaned with pleasure. Sanjay held his cock inside her vagina for a moment, loving the tight grip of her vaginal canal around his cock. Then, he pulled his cock outward until only the head of his cock was inside her pussy. Then he thrust his cock back inside her pussy again. He pushed and pulled his cock in and out of her cunt few times before fully pulling it out, leaving Alisha disappointed. But, the well-greased, cockhead quickly pressed on her asshole. Alisha felt her anus stretch open and as the swollen cockhead popped into her tight ass ring, she grunted with pleasure and pain. Sanjay paused, leaving only the swollen head inside her asshole. Slowly, Alisha’s asshole got used to his cockhead in her asshole.

Sanjay pushed another inch and it hurt Alisha. “Oh, Sanjay. it hurts,” she said.

Sanjay pulled his cock out of her anus and thrust his cock back into her vagina. He fucked her vagina few times and greased his cock more before pulling out of her vagina.

Rakesh continued sucking Alisha’s nipples and drinking her milk. Alisha caught his cock and placed the tip in the slit of her vagina. She lowered her hip and let his cock slide inside her vagina. When it was fully inside, she leaned forward, letting Sanjay have good access to her bottom.

Behind Alisha, Sanjay pressed the tip of his greased cockhead on her asshole and pushed. His cockhead slid inside her tight asshole smoothly. Then he pushed another inch inside her, stretching the tight walls of her asshole. Alisha shut her eyes and tried to bear the pain. The pleasurable, hurting sensation caused her to take deep breaths while she tried to relax her burning asshole.

Sanjay suddenly thrusted his cock fully balls deep inside Alisha’s asshole and she groaned in pain, “Ahh! Ahh! Maa…!”

“Ahh….Reshma! It feels so good in your asshole,” Sanjay said, pressing his crotch on her soft ass cheeks.

Alisha’s asshole and cunt felt completely stuffed. Rakesh slowly pistoned his cock inside Alisha’s cunt. Sanjay pulled slowly outward, then plunged back inside her asshole. Alisha groaned in pain again, “Ahh… Maa…!”

But Sanjay didn’t care anymore. He pulled his cock outward and lunged it back inside Alisha’s burning asshole. Rakesh sucked Alisha’s breasts and pumped his cock in and out of Alisha cunt. Sanjay matched Rakesh’s rhythm and pumped his cock in and out of Alisha’s asshole.

Alisha moaned with pleasure and pain as the two cocks fucked into her holes. She closed her eyes and let the pleasure take control. Slowly the speed increased and cocks fucked her holes like reciprocating pistons. The friction on the shared wall of flesh between her anus and vagina caused the shared nerves to tingle, stimulating both her holes with intense pleasure. Her asshole had never been so well-fucked. She felt so good, she didn’t care about the burning pain in her asshole anymore. The sensations originating in her stretched anus indirectly stimulated the erotic pleasure spot along the vaginal wall via her anus, adding to the intense pleasure caused by Rakesh’s cock fucking her vagina. Her asshole and cunt squeezed around the hard cocks. She was lust-dazed as Rakesh fucked her pussy with an urgency to cum inside her. His cockhead hit her cervix, with every powerful stroke, and she could feel distinctly the sudden lengthening and thickening of his already enlarged cock. She felt her entire body tingling with ecstasy. Her vaginal wall clasped around his hard cock preparing to explode. “Aaaaahhhh! Unh … ugh …” she moaned as the sexual pleasure soared. Waves of pleasure swept throughout her abdomen and the rest of her body. She felt an earth-shattering orgasm that she had not felt for a long time. And slowly, she began to feel a wonderful release from all the tension that had built up inside her. She laughed to herself with satisfaction.

The tightness of her asshole was too much for Sanjay’s cock. His cock exploded, showering hot, creamy cum inside Alisha’s asshole. Spurts of cock-cream jetted into Alisha, filling her and leaking out of her tight asshole. The warm semen soothed the burning sensation in her anus.

Rakesh thrust his cock hard, up against Alisha’s crotch, and Alisha could feel the thick white liquid explosion of semen from the head of his penis splatter into the depths of her cunt.

Alisha’s cunt and asshole milked cum from cocks that were firmly plugged inside her pleasure holes.

After emptying their cocks, the men pulled their cocks out. They were happy with Alisha’s open-minded approach to satisfying them. Alisha was more than happy to satisfy them while satisfying herself but she was not too happy to act like Reshma – a character she had made up.

After the men got dressed and left the room, Alisha went to the bathroom. She had a body shower and got dressed in her Saree.

She spent the rest of the day in her office reading the profiles of all the employees and familiarizing herself with the resorts’ policies and procedures.